Friday, September 12, 2008


I could not believe my eyes in class last night!! We had a fairly simple quiz that was on 7 key terms and 3 short fairy tales. These key terms were drilled into our heads last week during class discussion, and another full week to study them and read the stories. I'm a totally procrastinator. So I read two of the stories at lunch yesterday and did a quick review of the key terms.

Got to class about 30 minutes early read the third story and started to try and memorize the terms. What do I see out of the corner of my eye. A lady, in her late 40's early 50's writing down the key terms on her desk!!!!!! What the....?!?!??! And her "friend" sitting in front of her proceeds to do the same thing!!!

I understand that English is not the first language for the majority of the people who attend my college, but come on!!!!

Here is a list of the key terms: Superstition, myth, magic, custom, tradition, ritual & religion. Of these seven terms we had to write the definition for 4 of them and give an example of a ritual for a 5th question. The other 5 questions were about what we had read.

I sat there and ran through my head. Do I turn them in, let it go? Does it really matter to me? I know what I need to know for this quiz. There is no curve grading. Do I let Karma do it's job?

Still today I'm a bit baffled. These women more then likely have children. What are they teaching their children?? Are the terms we were tested on really that hard? I was able to come pretty close to memorizing them word for word in about 10 minutes. Which now having triplet brain is really no easy task for me!

So I took the don't tattle road. Part of my growing up in a bad neighborhood and being the minority I guess, you just kept quiet about these things. I'm marking it up to first test/quiz jitters. But I don't know that I will keep my mouth shut next time around.

Grown women! Not some teenager just out of high school. Not that it would make what happened any better, but some how understandable. It's weird. Everyone should be held to the same accountability. So why does it seem like something far more worse that these grown women possibly mothers cheated on a little quiz?!?!

Okay stepping down off my soap box/high horse.

I'm very excited tomorrow will be the girls very FIRST soccer game!!!!! Maybe I can post those pics and post the 1st day of school pics that are still sitting on the camera!!!

1 comment:

Jana said...

It never ceases to amaze me how cheaply people will sell their integrity. What a great story...and a good reminder how we are all examples to our kids at all times. Thanks so much for sharing!