Thursday, August 6, 2009


Since I'm on a role of bitching. Can we talk about two lane driving?? So we moved kind of to BFE back in June. Lots of open desert between places and a two lane highway used to get home.

Now! It's not like this town is a population of say 500. It has a good amount of people living there. To where there is no way in hell your going to know everyone by name. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Not to mention the traffic of people traveling.

Yes there are no street lights in big chunks of this highway. But do you really need to put your brights on?? NO! Especially if your about a car and half length behind someone else! And oh say there are about 6-7 cars including a semi or two on the patch of road with you. Not to mention that about every 30 seconds or so there is a group of the same coming in the opposite direction to you???? So much traffic on a steady flow that you can't even use the second lane to pass someone in the same lane as you????

Is it me? Am I missing something here??? Isn't your brights used when your out in the middle of no where and it's just you and maybe a car you might come upon once in a great while??? Do I have the wrong driving etiquette? Am I the ass???

And did I miss the re-naming of the pass?? Is it now "Your Own Personal Speedway"? Really, 90 -100 miles an hour up or down the mountain??!?!?! You have lost your damn minds! And you are on the fast track to loosing your life as well. Not to mention who the hell has that kind of money to be burning with the cost of gas!!!!

PEOPLE! PEOPLE! Stop using your damn brights and risking not only your life but those who are sharing the road with you!

1 comment:

Bradi Nathan said...

You tell 'em sista! I do however flash my brights to warn oncoming traffic that a cop is near by! Call it a courtesy flash if you will! :)