Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Evils of Facebook!

What an evil thing, I was never this addicted to MySpace. I can't remember the last time I was on MySpace, and when I was it was only to play poker. And the applications! They are never ending! Do they realize what this does to someone with OCD?!?!?!

Then a fellow triplet mom gets me started on Mafia Wars! OMFP! I was actually going to my computer in the middle of the night if I got up to bank my money so no one could come beat up on me and take my cash! I'm even more evil that I made my sister start playing. And she is doing the same thing!

I have "friends" now that I don't even know them....but they play Mafia Wars and I need them as part of my Mafia. I have lost my mind.

Totally forgotten about my blog until my BFF tells me today "How come I didn't know you had a blog?" The answer to that is cause I'm a slacker! (Love ya K!) Oh and I have been obsessed with Facebook and all it's freakin applications. Food Fling, Mafia Wars, Dragon Wars, some chocolate factory thing, sending plants and fishes to save the rain forest and ocean. Sending presents to put under friends tree's. Sending each other purses & shoes we can't have in real life! How mean is that crap?!?! And arresting people for stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar.

A Facebook application even allows you to kidnap you friends to different places of your choosing and knocking them out with a 8 ball in a sock, a Yorkie Yap, or in a stinky backpack. LOL!

This is where I have spent my free time. Totally forgetting about my blog and everyone else's that I love to read. Talk about your head up your ass!

Then I got a cousin that my sister and I traumatize on Facebook, and an Aunt who reports back to my mom. Holy crap Batman! LOL!

But I guess one good thing I did take a break for a couple days to read a book! A Tween book but a book none the less.

Oh and to add to the family. We adopted a very sweet little guy name Maestro who is a cocker spaniel mix.

It's all Facebooks fault I tell ya!

Okay I gotta go and check my status on Mafia Wars now!


Anonymous said...

DAMN!!! Why you gotta throw me under the bus?! Sheesh . . I go through a lot of trouble to hide my Mafia Wars addiction while I'm in public!

Amy said...

Doesn't make you very anonymous now does it! LOL!