We had a very nice Holiday and the kids of course made out like bandits. Grandma did reign it in a bit this year, I was really impressed at her restraint. LOL!
Since working so many hours at work and not really being home I took a few days off while the kids where on Spring Break. I took them to Knott's Berry Farm for the day and they had a blast. Boy! Was that a long day. Gwynne wanted to go on the big crazy rides that she wasn't tall enough for. Chloe wanted nothing to do with the scary lookin stuff. Wouldn't even go on the Log Ride. I might have to change my status on the girls. Gwynne may be taking over the extreme dare devil role from Chloe.
Connor has been doing awesome. He still amazes us every day. Jason took him to his pulmonary appt a couple weeks ago. FINALLY! Between us forgetting and the doctor cancelling it had been about 9 months since Connor had seen pulmonary.
Well the sleep study he did probably over a year ago went well. The doctor has started a plan to ween Connor off the vent during the night when he is sleeping. Currently, as long as he was awake he was off the vent with just O2. Now we start out for 2 hours every night while asleep he is off the vent. If he tolerates this then we bump it to 4 hours in a couple weeks. And so on. The doctors plan can have him off the vent as early as June/July.
This is VERY exciting, but scary as heck as well! I never really thought this day would come. But it looks like Connor may be able to get off the vent. We need to talk to the ENT about how to proceed on taking the trach out at the next appt. It's just crazy we are having these conversations.
Summer is fast approaching and we are looking into getting the girls back into some swim classes. Gwynne is doing another session of Cheer leading. She is still bugging for "the black team". Try out are next month for the team. But we are going to keep her in basic for now. Make sure she is going to stay interested, and to give us a bit of time before we have to shovel out the BIG $$$$ for the Elite cheer squad. We will be accepting donations via fundraisers. LOL!
Been thinking about getting some head shots for Gwynne to maybe do some modeling. I don't think I would be comfortable with the acting and things. The whole possible child star scares me. Gwynne does seem to love the camera. LOL!
Chloe really has so no interest in any extra activities lately. She is quickly becoming the gamer like her daddy. Jason and Chloe were in talks about taking a karate class, but nothing has come of it. This is a bit of our fault. Since moving we really have not checked out the City activities for kids like we did previously.
Here are a few pics from the last several months.